Friday, March 16, 2018


AMAA Board Meeting, January 31, 2018

Attendance: Tim Rice, Kathleen Fortune, Chiyo Jikko, DJ Madrazo, Danny Bacci, Erik Keilbach, Terri Shoule, Fred Ma, Licet Gaveau

Tim started the meeting thanking all in attendance.

Virtus Discussion/Club President Remarks : 

Starting topic: Virtus/ child protection: a reminder to reinforce protection of our kids. As coaches, parents administrators representatives of the program, we need to keep in mind the safety of our kids and report any misconduct.
Who keeps the Virtus List? CYO and we keep a list. If we need to verify, we can reach out to CYO or the Brooklyn Diocese. The Diocese runs a check on a yearly basis of all the names on the list.

Sports recaps:

It has been a good first half of the year. some success and some not. For example the PS 205 facility issues.  Erik- Basketball A.D: Has been a successful season overall. Most of the girls are coming back next year, except the 8th graders as they are graduating. Planning on continuing with a 7/8th grade team for next year. Not happy with CYOs location based team matching. Overall the girls have improved throughout the year. Already planning on setting up scrimmages for next year. Robert's team has a winning record. DJ's girls team who've never played have come a long way, great improvements and have lost only one game! AMAA kids participated in the Howard Beach Tournament: 12 kids, 4 games played. All the boys basketball teams are doing well.

Cheer: Terri has about 20 girls in the cheer squad. Has a cheer meeting scheduled for next week.
The Cheer Show Case dates are changing to a different date in April. Terri may not be available to attend, but will have the Assistant Coach take over. Coach Terri is concerned parents and girls are not showing interest, making practice and performance difficult.

Volleyball: Season started a few weeks ago, 7 teams. PS191 secured for home games, equipment available for usage. Permits at PS 33 extended, however not ideal for Volleyball or Basketball. Looking to secure Thursday nights for practice at Martin Van Buren. There is a large group of new girls in the program, with some of them registering for additional sports as they are enjoying the program.

Moving some 7th graders to 6th grade teams, receiving resistance. Snows has sent over extra girls to AMAA, as late additions, and trying not to turn anyone away. The 8th grade team has some returning girls and new girls combination.

Danny comments on how great is it to see coaches utilize all their balls during practice. Emphasizes aggressive teaching and encourages teaching girls the overhand serve, that will benefit them as they progress.

Swimming: Started two weeks ago. Girsl won both meets. We have a good team.
An issue has arisen, as kids from Martyrs parish are not registered with us for swimming, but registering with Our Lady of Lourdes because of a cheaper pricing. AMAA: $170 vs Lourdes: $150 one sport price. Kathleen proposes matching price to $150 for Swim. Unanimous agreement on all present.

Flag Football: Possible new A.D. Phil O. Would be a great addition as a coach.
Danny B. would prefer not to coach. So far every team has 8-10 kids registered. 7 kids needed to make a team. Kats suggestion is for Dave R as coach for older team and Phil O. for Bantam.

Baseball: There are enough kids registered to make a team. Joe McM. is interested in coaching a team. The younger kids may be considered to enter the LND program instead so they can begin playing on a T. Permits must be worked on, available online.

Softball: 3 teams 6/7 grade, 5 and 4th grade. In between aged girls can move to the ‘middle’ group.

Track: same kids registered for spring. Starts in April for about 5 weeks.

Facilities & Permits: 

Struggling to keep volleyball with enough gym time. We have gym time, but facilities becoming unavailable at the last minute. PS191 has available gym time and is a nice gym. It is still a struggle because we do not have a reliable practice facility.
Also, trying to track down equipment at PS133 used last year.
Will be ok now that basketball practice is ending but will have enough gym time.
PS188 is supposedly open for Presidents week break for possible use. Can be used for additional basketball time. Erik will find out what times are available. Tim likes the idea, but it may not be beneficial since a lot of families go away that week.


Note from Narisha with updates indicate that the Grant paperwork submitted is all wrong and needs to be redone. Still waiting for return paperwork to arrive at the rectory. This will delay the funds from the grant.
Kathleen adds that the Josephine Foundation will double this year.
Upcoming efforts include Modells Discount coupon and the upcoming Date Night.


We are still in the black $4700 surplus, however revenue is lower than last year.
Kathleen adds that there are a lot of families who still have not paid their registration. We need to get the funds collected from these families, send out a reminder to them.
There is enough in the bank to get bills paid. But will need to make equipment purchases, and pay referees. Fundraising efforts are also lower than last year.
Note: Uniform deposit funds not taking into account as part of revenue.


Need to spend more money refreshing baseball and softball equipment, helmets catching gear. a little more than last year. Chiyo/Hector doing an amazing job with uniforms.
People initial to sign out uniform, must initial to sign in and receive deposit back.
This weekend begins distribution of volleyball uniforms. Concerns of less uniforms being returned, same uniform is used for two different sports, and returns are less than what we should have in inventory. Chiyo indicates that no soccer uniforms have been returned.

New Business/Old Business: 

Sunday is the Catholic War Veterans Troop Drive. An email will be sent out with information on how AMAA families can donate. Saturday is opening day for Volleyball, email will include a note to bring items for troop drive donation.

Was Ed officially assigned the Volunteer Coordinator position? Tim informs that Ed stepped down and no one else has taken the position.

2018-2019 Board Appointments/Volunteer Planning

All elective positions are available for next year. 
Tim (President) and Kathleen (P.A.R.) will step down from the current positions at the end of the year. However, Kathleen would consider a Co-PAR position with someone willing. She is willing to stay on as coach for 7th grade girls.

Meeting adjourned at 8:13pm

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